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All revaluations and devaluations in May at a glance

Frankfurt, München, Guide, Falstaff, Michelin, Varta-Führer

Which restaurants in Germany received better or worse marks from the guides in May?

Nearly all guides now publish new restaurant ratings on an ongoing basis. We therefore update our restaurant rankings for Germany on a monthly basis. Which restaurants have improved or deteriorated in which guide from 10 April to 3 May? Here is an overview, sorted by guide and location. Please note: This is an automated comparison of our database. Corrections and additions from previous months may also appear in this list. If - despite all the care taken in analysing the data - we have missed a new entry or a change in the notes, please let us know.


No change detected

The gourmet


No change recorded

The big guide

No change recorded



Schlemmer Atlas

Varta Guide

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